

Menthol A monoterpene alcohol naturally found in mint plants such as peppermint and Japanese mint. It gives a cooling sensation when applied to the skin. It’s often used to relieve minor pain and irritation and prevent infection. To learn more about menthol, click here!
Menthone A ketone monoterpene produced by many plants. It’s best identified for the minty overtones it provides in several essential oils.
Menthyl Acetate A natural monoterpene ester. It contributes to the smell and flavor of peppermint.
Metabolic Enzymes Enzymes active in the blood, tissues, and organs. They regulate metabolic activities like glucose control and energy homeostasis.
Methyl Salicylate The methyl ester of salicylic acid. It’s an organic compound derived from birch or wintergreen (or made synthetically) and is used as a counterirritant in ointments to treat muscle pain. To learn more about methyl salicylate, click here!
Microbe A microorganism, especially a bacterium that causes disease or fermentation.
Microbiology The branch of biology that studies microorganisms. To learn more about essential oil microbiology labs, click here!
Microbiome The complete genetic content of all the microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses) that inhabit an environment, such as the skin or the GI tract. To learn more about gut microbiome health, click here!
Microorganism A microscopic organism, especially a bacterium, virus, or fungus.
Mitochondria Cellular structures in which oxygen and food nutrients are metabolized to create energy. To learn more about mitochondria, click here!
Molecule A group of atoms bonded together, representing the smallest fundamental unit of a chemical compound that takes part in a chemical reaction.
Monoterpene A class of terpenes that consist of two isoprene units (10 carbon atoms). They’re found in virtually all essential oils. Each monoterpene has its own unique biological activity.
Mutagenicity Permanent transmissible changes in genetic material.
Myrcene A monoterpene alkene and natural organic molecule found in lemongrass, thyme, cardamom, and many other essential oils. To learn more about myrcene, click here!